Well it's that time of year again - winter has been here for a few months now, and I've gone into hibernation. I put on my winter 10 lbs, and now its time to get motivated and take it back off!
Last year my wife and I both got serious about losing weight. I had gotten to my heaviest weight ever (250 pounds), and I knew I had to change things. I lost about 40 lbs last year through a combination of exercise and healthy eating. My wife got on an exercise program as well, and lost an equally impressive amount.
Well, since last October I took a leave of absence from exercising and surprise, surprise - I gained about 10 lbs back.
Last night we went and bought a replacement treadmill for our exercise room so that we can both get back on the exercise bandwagon. The treadmill we decided upon was a Fuel Fitness FT94 Treadmill. It's a nice looking treadmill that is essentially a house brand over at Dick's Sporting Goods made at the same factory as Sole Treadmills. Sole makes some of the best treadmills on the market, and this Fuel treadmill has gotten some pretty good reviews.
So tonight I start the exercise again by running intervals on the new treadmill. Once we've been using it for a while I'll try to post a review to let everyone know how it's working out for us. Now, to go eat something healthy..
Last year my wife and I both got serious about losing weight. I had gotten to my heaviest weight ever (250 pounds), and I knew I had to change things. I lost about 40 lbs last year through a combination of exercise and healthy eating. My wife got on an exercise program as well, and lost an equally impressive amount.
Well, since last October I took a leave of absence from exercising and surprise, surprise - I gained about 10 lbs back.
Last night we went and bought a replacement treadmill for our exercise room so that we can both get back on the exercise bandwagon. The treadmill we decided upon was a Fuel Fitness FT94 Treadmill. It's a nice looking treadmill that is essentially a house brand over at Dick's Sporting Goods made at the same factory as Sole Treadmills. Sole makes some of the best treadmills on the market, and this Fuel treadmill has gotten some pretty good reviews.
So tonight I start the exercise again by running intervals on the new treadmill. Once we've been using it for a while I'll try to post a review to let everyone know how it's working out for us. Now, to go eat something healthy..